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Falling behind

Falling behind in your classes is something no student wants to happen. Unfortunately, some students end up in this situation, and they have to find a way to dig themselves out of it. Falling behind in college is not the end of the world but you need to put in the time and effort to get back on track. Before you can catch up, it's best to identify the reasons why you are behind in order to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Some of the most common reasons why college students fall behind in school, including but not limited to: Not enough time established or spent on studying or completing assignments Lack of organizational skills to stay on track Juggling too many responsibilities (for example, work, family, school) Procrastinating Not understanding the class material and not asking for help Skipping classes Lack of motivation Exhausted or overwhelmed because of a challenging course load Consider seeking help from the many resources in the Academic Success Center. An academic advisor can review how far behind you are with classes and may recommend strategies for you to catch up. It is important you talk with a ASC professional staff member if you are considering dropping a class or withdrawing from school, they can provide you with other options. Also, consider talking to your professors to see what advice they may have for you. The important thing is that you reach out for help before it’s too late in the semester. TIPS: Find an organizational plan that works for you whether it’s a planner, post-it notes, to do lists, calendar, your phone, etc. Organize all your assignments, tests and due dates and create a study schedule. All you have to do is organize your day and time, and carve out specific times throughout the day when you are most productive to do your work. Chip away at your assignments and stay focused so you are more productive. Good luck! Concerns may include: trouble keeping up with academics, not turning in assignments on time, feeling overwhelmed, not sure you will be able to complete the semester, wondering if you should drop a course.